Strengthening bioinformatics capabilities at CSIRO — ASN Events

Strengthening bioinformatics capabilities at CSIRO (#97)

Annette McGrath 1
  1. CSIRO, Canberra, ACT, Australia

CSIRO is Australia’s national science agency. As a highly multidisciplinary research organisation in which the life sciences are an important focus, bioinformatics is a vital, but complex undertaking. Surveys in 2011 indicated that lack of awareness and training were the main factors limiting the application of bioinformatics in CSIRO.  The varying backgrounds and skills of bioinformatics partitioners add to the complexity.  In this talk I will share what steps were taken to address both of these issues. From in-house developed programs on in-house hosted platforms through to national and international collaborations, I will share insights gained from a spectrum of bioinformatics initiatives aimed to raise bioinformatics capability across CSIRO.